Sunday, August 30, 2009

two iN a roW

another troop outside of va this weekend//// rekindled the flame up at the mountain top///reunited with where it all started//FAMILY/// and came to the conclusion that i want a married to the mob type chick///and im wearing black for the rest of 2oo9

Monday, August 24, 2009


the paSt two weekeNds iN vA waSnt the brightesT for mE/// but those flashing lightS//// Nevermind/// thats another one

New York tho?? i enjoyed iT// made a few dime moves And said a few jokes///then i got sick// somebody prescribe me some mediCine//anywhOOt

i also hit the wax museum while i was hOme. and a s/n= never walk and text on 42nd street/// it could bee your last days as a walking huMan. the pics i took were with the people that meant the absoLute mosT to mE// l0l

but to make my trip suave o/d i hitt this ROOFTOP parTy courtesY of princeSS jaii and mY sELf proclaimed homegurl DeeJa// that shit was live and i was way to high/but not in that sense// to bee snaPPin pics. i really didnt want to leave NY this time around. Virgina is .....just Virginia. only watts that brighten up my day is my tweet fidda didda. but iM back on my blog shit/// reaL raP


i wanted it/// i got it// im on it// shout outs to redhoTTtattoo shop and @iamminalo//

the mEaning?? it looks self explanitory but for soMe iLL break it dowN like its straight off the boat

NOv 18/// a date u were never there for and Loyalty is a code instilled in me to live by/// its on the ring finger for a reason// iLL let u figure iT out missEs

and im OuT /// do that follow thing @iamminalo & @charliebeefor3 ====double trouble!!!!!

LeTs jUst kiSS//// and Make uP 0_0

look at this face!!?? RT @iamminalo/// whats passed is the past....its been a month and some change but hey//// whos counting?? we should bee more interested in the present and worried abOut the future//im FEELIN LIKE IM BACK THO!!!!