Tuesday, March 31, 2009
OPeraTioN FeLiz cuMpleaNos
ThEy waY ii brought iN my birthdaY is bY far the secOnd besT...the besT
is of coUrse whEn mY moMMa maDe thaT LasT p.u.s.H. aT 10_17 a_m oN march
29...as yOu caN see frOm the pHotos words can't exPlaIn whAt ii got
myseLf iNto thIs weeKend....Gracias to EVERYONE that came out that night
and to thOse who wished me a haPPy bday...iT was greaTLy appreciAted...I
got like 7 messaGes aT 12 a/m sO I can't give that "I was the first to
tell you!!" awaRd to aNyone....SORRY!!!! bUt if Y8-)U were there wiTh me
iN the clUB u didn't haVe anYthing to wOrry aBout...oNce agaIn, thaNk
yoU momma for bringing me in to this worLd and eVeryoNe thaT celebrated
20 yeaRs Life wiTh me!!!
SPeciaL shOotouts to amberjalldai, cHane, kasYe, aNd my faVortie extra
EXTRA blacK dude terreLL for hOLdin Lisa Marie dOwN aNd aLL that other
gOOd stuff...
21......aHH maN...the ideas are enDLess..but Lemme heaR whaT Y8-)U thInk
I should dO for my 21st b/day
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
THe retUrn
teLL anY oNe thO....
IF uu don't kNow wHen mY birtHdaY iS, pLeaSe cliCk thE x iN the toP
rigHt cOrner.....
aMber iTs thaT tiMe agaIn!!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
mY self a whole lot more cALm iN certaiN situaTions...I wouldn't say it
skyrocketeD, bUt my maturity level has peaKed....evEn on the basketball
coUrt. WhAt iS the NAVY doIng to Me?? ANd to maKe thiNgs evEn mOre
craZier, becAuse of my new fOund cALm_ness, ii now listen to R&B oN the
regUlar!!! Oh. And a litle bit of jaZz aLso..
ItS a gooD looK becaUse thE weaTher iS gettIng nice, (chIcagO is mY nexT
victIm), mY birthdaY iS coMiNg uP aNd ii get tO speNd it wiTh mY famiLy
thaT ii haven't seeN since mE aNd cirOc oBama last spOke (whAs sUP
aMber!!).....mOves maKe mOneY aNd I mAke mOves..
ONLy thIng miSsIn iS a miSsEs.
There's birthdaYs, and there's March Birthdays
bdaYs appRoachiNg =]
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Gee Phi Gee!!!
NOTHING after scHooL....I usUaLLy hOOp aFter scHooL but ii decided tO
bee oN my owN prograM aNd hOOp during lUncH...otHer thaN thaT...ii
learned aBout sOmethiNg tOdaY...mAde a feW dIme moVes aNd craCked a Few
jOkes...sAMe oL c/b...ii jUst weaR a lot oF blUe..
ii deCidEd tO coNcLudE my niGht wiTh a LiL coMedY...a SpiKe Lee jOint
tYpe coMedY....appAreNtLy eVerYbOdy sEen thIs movIe exCept fOr me...eVeN
kEv jAm seeN iT...bUt theN agaIn in his preVious lIfe, he gRew uP iN the
80's....if ii evEr jOin a phraternity...its goNna bee GAMMA PHI
SoMebOdY got a bdaY coMin uP....nOt sUre wHo tho...
Monday, March 16, 2009
todAy iN iLLinois...
ii just waNted to let mY readers know thAt im stiLL kickIn anD that a more detailed blog will be coming soon....like today soon...i cant even post any pictures with this blog because instead of learning how to saves lives, i decided to come to a government_resctricted access computer and haVe a wOrd wiTh uU civiLianS...u sHouLd thiNk about thE things ii do for yoU peoPLe..=]...now i have to go back to cLAss and learn how to save lives...the good stuff...Buenos Tardes!!!
_beyonce cD....
_sOme sNeakers ii cAn pLay basket ball iN...
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
MArcH maDneSs bIrtHdaY wiSH lIst
fuNds iN oRder fOr thIS spEctaculAr dAy..Be a truE PaL!!!
_Orlando magic fitted (siZe 7 1/4)
_t mObiLe bEhoLd (cRanIum bULL shITTin)
_Levis straight 559 jeans( 31x30<---i like my shit 2 fit)
_NAvy bLue caRgo jAckeT frOm h&m(40r)
_a nEw wALLet pleaSe!
_a sHirt fRoM MINA LO's nEw clOthiNg lINe
_a bELt uU thInk ii woUld lOok spEctacuLar iN
_aNothEr fiTTed wOuLd dOo gooD, yoUr choice
_aNythiNg sTussY oR fRom thE kaRma lOOp
_yOur fAvorite pantIes/boii shOrtS sO ii cAn taKe thEm oFf yOu (I'm oNly
_mY besT friEnd tO be The besT friEnd in 2oo8
_aNd anYthiNg uU feeL chArlie bEe woUld wanT/desErve/like..whATever!!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
60605 coNtuEd....
fUnnIesT ATM sCreeN, aNd maDea gOes tO jaIL iS quIte coMicaL
60605....wHerE wIndY iS aN uNderStatemeNt
naVY)....aNd ii haVe tO sAY.....wELL there's a few ThingS I haVe to
SaY..ii hAve a coUsiN thAt iS iN aBsoLUTe LoVe wIth 6o6o5 aNd ii can't
sEem to fiGure oUt whY....iTs tOo dAm cOLd tO do aNythiNg oR waLk
aNywHere....I spENt lIke 150 bEtwEeN mEe n cRane_iuM iN the aRab
ANd anOther thInG, ii hEaRd thRouGh a coUpLe oRange viNes thAt chIcaGo
iS thE cloSeSt lOOkinG tHinG to 42nD stReet.....ii dEePLy bEg tO
diFfer....iTs nOt diRtY enOugh aNd there Def wasn't enOugh pEopLe to
lOOk like thE ciTY, eVen aT 3 iN thE a.M...aNd lETs noT gEt oN thE waY
tHesE peOple weRe dreSseD....
ii hAte tO tALK abOut EM bUt ii goT huStLed bY soMe pLuckS (thATs wHaT
cRaNe_iuM cALLs eM)...dude waLked uP to me "ii got thIs magazIne right
here, shows uU aLL the plaCes uU can taKe yOur lady friend, things to do
blah blah blah..."...iM like aIght coOL...thEn hE hIt mE wiTh thE tWo
doLLaR sErvIce chArgE "to kEeP hOmeLess peOPLe oFF tHE sTreeT"...mE
being thE tHE nIce gUy thAT ii aM..ii bLeSsed hIm wiTh two (even tho he
asked foR 5)...5 miNuteS laTer iM iN h&M woNderIng hOw aNd whY I haVe
thIs maGazIne iN mY haNd...ii stArt lOOkin thRoUgh iT aNd rEaLzieD duDe
hUsTled Me....bUt liFe goEs oN.
I gUess iT wAs "leTS trY to hUstLe c/b" daY becAUe rD 2 caMe lIke 10
minUtes laTer...mE aNd craNiuM wAs mAd hUngrY sO I aSked thE firsT
perSoN ii saW wHere thE nEaresT fooD sPoT wAs...foRtunately, it was
aNother pLuck...sO riGhT befOre dudE seNt mE oN mY waY, he triEd to hiT
mE wiTh a sErviCe chaRGe foR hiS "services" (pause)...I coUld dO noThiNg
bUt laUgh aNd thInK aBout wHaT tHe resT of thIs niGhT hAs tO offEr.
There's sO mUch mOre tHaT haPPenEd iN tHe wiNdY ciTy bUt iimma lEaVe iT
heRe..iF uU waNNa kNow mOre, cOme tO chIcaGo..I gUarantee uU won't eNjoy